Circular knitting needles are used to make knitted fabric such as single jersey fabric double jersey fabric and sweaters knitted fabric. Circular needles enables knitter to knit in circle and these needles are useful for knitting tubular fabric like hats and mittens. These knitting needles are used to produce narrow tubes of knitting for hat, socks, mittens etc. And other items using the loop technique. In India most knitting fabric exporters are using Korean knitting needles for better quality and high production. Korean needles are known best needles in India, they makes all types knitting machine needles such as Circular Needles, Hosiery Needles, Transfer Needles, Wire Needles, Links needles, sinkers and jacks and raschel needles. Circular needle looks like two short knitting needles connected by a cable between them. These needles are used in Mayer Knitting Machine, Terrot machine, Orizio machine, Fukkuhara machines, pailung machines and in various other Chinese and European knitting machines.
Enter Needle Name (ex: vo 92.41, vosa 72.41, wo 106.50)
Ref No. Needle Name Image Remarks Details
83 VO 122.64 G003 VO 122.64 G003
84 VO 123.41 G0010 VO 123.41 G0010
85 VO 123.41 G0011 VO 123.41 G0011
86 VO 123.41 G0012 VO 123.41 G0012
87 VO 123.41 G009 VO 123.41 G009
88 VO 123.52 G002 VO 123.52 G002